Friday, February 17, 2012

Standardize Testing

~ life is not a multiple choice test, it's an open-book essay exam. ~
-- Alan Blinder (Princeton),

In chapter four we learned about standard-based assessments and how it measures a students’ achievement in obtaining the required objective of performance level we want our kids to obtain in our classroom. I feel this part of the book is especially important because this is where we will see how well our students perform or measure up to our standards we set for them. We
need to ensure that our student’s will be competent in their ability to learn what we want them to and to have a tool to measure that ability. We need to make sure what we test them on corresponds to what the students need to learn. Standardize testing sets the benchmark for where we want our kids to be at. It has advantages and disadvantages just like any other means of evaluation.


  1. Interesting quote but very true. Our lives are not based on 3 or 4 answers. There are many parts of our lives that cannot be limited to just a few.

    Standardized testing sets that benchmark but are the standards enough for them to be successful in life? Are the standards that we teach enough to help guide our students, enough to encourage them to get a higher education? Interesting...

  2. There is a part you mentioned in your reflection that really caught my attention "ensure that our student's will be competent in their ability to learn what we want them to" At a staff development, one of the questions asked was "do we push our kids above their abilities" I though "Yes! I believe they can do it!" However, I learned that students should not be pushed above their ability level but to continue to improve on whatever level they may be at. I realized that if I take it slow and teach our students at their level they will achieve and do wonders. I am glad you mentioned that part in your reflection because I believe it is true and a must to get the result we are looking for.
