Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater.
~Gail Godwin
I enjoyed reading Chapter 3, being a first year teacher I am still learning the ropes around teaching and creating tests that have all four principles-practicality, reliability, authenticity, validity, and washbacks. The chapter mentions that as a first year teacher I should stick within the guidelines of what is accepted. What I most enjoyed learning about Chapter 3 is how to create tests or revise existing tests to meet the four principles. I learned that before a test can be constructed, we has teachers must ask ourselves what is the purpose of the test? What are the objectives? Etc. I am also grateful for the visual aids provided in the chapter that would definitely help me and the list of suggestions given to help teachers like me revise an existing test. I alos learned some helpful tips of how to administer a test and a pre-test along with scoring, grading, and giving feedback. Just like the quote I chose above, explain how teachers prepare not only tests, but also homework and class work to help prepare for tests which is one-fourth of being a good teacher and the three-fourths theatre part of the quote I believe is how we teachers teach and carry out our lessons and tests.
It is nice to know that we have dedicated teachers teaching our students in the lower grade levels. It seems all too often that once the students reach the upper grade levels they are already several years behind in school. If we start out early with prevention and intervention, then our students will be more likely to succeed throughout their schooling.