... life is not a multiple choice test, it's an open-book essay exam. |
-- Alan Blinder (Princeton),
Unknown , Unknown I enjoyed this evening's class discussion. It was pleasant to hear each other's experiences with testing, assessments, raw scores, Stanine scores...Do assessments really matter? Is there a "real" significant value for our students in 10 years? Would a SAT-10 score matter when applying for a job? I strongly believe that not all learners are test takers. I wonder if the scores of any criterion-referenced test or norm-referenced test qualifies a person to be a contributing citizen in society. |
It seems that the only people really concerned about the SAT-10 scores are the administrators, teachers, and local reporters. Most of the students really do not seem to care at all and even the parents do not seem to care. It is so hard to even get parents to show up for parent-teacher conferences. I do not think that any future boss or even the local colleges are looking at SAT-10 scores. It pretty much seems like almost all students who apply to the local colleges are admitted and then have to take remedial English and Math classes.