Thursday, April 26, 2012

Week of April 27th reflection

Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.”   -Zora Neale Hurston

This week we have wrapped up our book and written our last reaction paper.  We have spent a lot of time reading and discussing assessments, their effectiveness and good assessment practice.  Now what is left is our literature review, final self-reflection and our Live Text portfolios.  For me, the literature review is causing me the most trouble.  I have written a literature review before in my research courses, but this one has been really challenging.  I think that is because I have had a hard time pinning down a good topic.  So far I feel like I am as the quote says "poking and prying" without "purpose".  I wanted to research the Versant/ Phonepass because I was interested in the book's mention of its accuracy despite being a computer-scored speaking test.  Unfortunately, I was only able to find a few articles that even mentioned it and most simply used the test as their assessment of choice for very different research.  Now I have expanded my research to include other speaking assessments, but I am having difficulty determining what I am looking for.  I am having a hard time finding resources that refer to the effectiveness of assessments without discussing general standardized tests used or that do not just reference the test as a tool used in other research.  I am making some progress, but I am not as far along as I would like to be and I am starting to get worried.  I know I will finish it, but so far it has me stressed.  I am considering changing my topic once again to the effectiveness of language placement tests.  That may yield more reliable results.   No matter what, I know that I have to make this happen.  And I will.


  1. Hi Heidi, I am on the same boat as you. I am still trying to find enough resources to help me determine which topic I would like to choose. I really like the quote you chose. Don't worry, you will do an excellent job on your paper. Good luck!

  2. I am also in sort of the same boat. I found some resources that talk about my topic but none of them are really connected to each other. I guess I am just going to do a general overview of my topic and how these articles relate to that. Some other resources looked promising but they were not recent enough.
