Thursday, January 26, 2012

First Day of ED662

Hello Everyone,

This is quite funny, I created a blog the Saturday after class and I just realized that I created my own blog page. I just copied and pasted what I had typed up that evening at the bottom.

Class was very interesting yesterday. I met my new professor and my new classmates. In class, we read through the syllabus "round robin" style to understand what is expected of us. We learned that we are to shoot for Target. We also went through our course calendar and I am very happy it was very well organized and contained little boxes for me to check off an assignment. I am excited to learn from my new professor and my new classmates and I cannot wait to begin learning new and exciting information that will help me with my first year teaching.

1 comment:

  1. I also liked the fact that we were given a checklist to use and various rubrics that we should follow throughout this course. I was happy to find out that this course is a mix of in class and online learning. This makes it a lot more time convenient for those of us who are working and taking other classes.
